
Become a Sportskey member today

Choose a plan that works for you and your child's athletic development needs.

Sportskey Member

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Gain exclusive access to performance data of other athletes who are of similar age, sex and maturity.

Receive valuable advice and guidance from our team of experts.

Access your personalised SK dashboard where you can easily select your child's registered sports, explore sports of interest and discover exciting pathway opportunities.

Stay in the loop with regular data updates and receive important information about upcoming events.

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Sportskey CLUB Member

From $295

Gain priority access to one Sportskey testing event.

See upcoming events

Receive a comprehensive Athlete Talent Profile that includes your child's athletic performance, cognitive abilities and growth status.

On your personalised and secure dashboard, you will receive performance and progress ratings and analysis, comparing your child's development to athletes of similar age and maturity.

Receive detailed feedback on your child's strengths and areas of development focus.

Access ongoing professional advice and guidance from leading scientists and coaches in the sports industry

Gain a deeper understanding of your athletic profile and the various sporting and vocational opportunities available.

Join the Club

Organisation Partnership

Partner with Sportskey to receive comprehensive support and services for talent pathway programs, schools and clubs.

Contact us

Our testing and assessment covers a wide range of factors and goes beyond traditional tests. We provide accurate and reliable results through leading sport scientists.

Our data analysis and feedback tools allow staff and coaches to assess program performance and analyse individual athletes.

Gain a competitive advantage with Sportskey's expertise: Consultation from top sport scientists, program managers and data analysts to enhance coach development, talent identification, athlete development and sports tech utilisation. Elevate your strategic goals.

We provide objective feedback and personalised data to parents, students and athletes.

Optimise athlete outcomes, gain a competitive advantage and raise the level of your organisation's performance.

Frequently Asked Questions

We're here to help with any questions you have about our service, memberships and events.

Membership categories
What is a Sportskey Membership?
What is a Sportskey CLUB Membership?
How long is a Sportskey CLUB Membership valid for?
How many events can Sportskey CLUB Members attend?